High School Basketball League - 506100
Freshman Sophomore League
Freshman Sophomore League
Leagues will be grouped by grade level. Players must play within their grade levels. A team consists of at least 5, but no more than 10. No spots are held on a team for those who are not registered and paid in full. Unregistered team members, will not be placed on roster. Remaining roster spots may be filled with individuals looking to play in the league. A group of 4 or less will not be considered a team, and will be considered as individuals. All teams will be required to have a parent/coach over the age of 21 sitting on the bench during each game. All registered participants will be able to submit their team roster via a Google Form that league administrators will send out in late October.
Charge When Not Billed:
Resident (Standard Fee): $0.00 = $0.00
Youth Sports Program R (Standard Fee): $110.00 = $110.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Non-Resident (Standard Fee): $0.00 = $0.00
Youth Sports Program NR (Standard Fee): $135.00 = $135.00